Well-Being, Whole Being

Well-being is an all-encompassing concept that Terry's mother, “Grandma Dot” (view her books here), strived to incorporate in her life and to share those ideas with others. If something was needed around the house, anything, you made it. You planted what you needed to cook with. She remembered canning 900 quarts one fall, in order to feed a large family. She was born in 1930, a depression era baby, and that shaped her life and thoughts at a base level. She was the glue that kept the family together.

Fostering goodwill and a feeling of family is extremely important to us. It is the core at the foundation level of well-being principles AND what drives our company. It is our wish to sharee and encourage this knowledge.

Young man meditation as he looks at a sunset, sitting on the end of a blockk wall with his back to the viewer.

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